I ran into unexpected problems today while trying to wrap up my PLIP for the
review today — in short, there doesn't seem to be any (!) way to get any
version of Plone running on OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) at the moment: The
Unified Installers fail, buildout-based install fails, and any combination
of MacPorts Python (current release, trunk from their SVN), binary Python
and GCC (4.0, 4.2) versions fail while compiling parts of Zope.

I spent 6 hours today with the help of messieurs Glick, Steele and McMahon
today trying to make it work, but there's something very weird going on (for
example, the Acquisition egg compiles properly, but after reporting that
it's successfully compiled, can't be found — if you're interested, here's
the output <http://pastebin.com/m6df313f>). (And if you know what's going on
here, it would be great if you can help out, since we also need to solve
this — preferrably before Snow Leopard is released, which may be as soon as
end of this month.)

Since I have fully migrated to Snow Leopard on my work laptop as part of
testing Firefox on 10.6 (and that happened just before my vacation), I need
to locate a computer that runs OS 10.5 before I can put together the running
version of the theme product.

Here's what I put together before I went on vacation, and that I have on my
laptop at the moment:

   - An updated main_template that uses HTML5 (XHTML variant) that adds
   various structural elements like <sidebar> and various other cleanups. No
   changes to class/ID structure so far, though — so existing themes should
   work. (the only exception is if they do stuff like table.* in CSS, ie.
   depend on the tag instead of the class/ID name). HTML5 renders fine in all
   browsers, btw — they just don't style the new elements, which we aren't
   putting visual styles on anyway.
   - A tested, robust grid system (the same as I have shown at Plone
   Symposium East, and that we'll use for Plone 5) that supports both fixed and
   fluid widths. No tables in the layout anymore. Works in IE6 too.
   - A new design from Iain
   that I have implemented as a static HTML version on top of the Plone markup
   (with the main_template changes. Note that the typography and pull-down menu
   will be different — closer to what you see on plone.org right now.
   - A new CSS that implement's Iain's layout with the changes discussed in
   the ticket. Still missing are things like print CSS and (if I get the time)
   a mobile/iPhone stylesheet using the @media selector.
   - CSS doesn't use base_properties, but is color-neutral except for a
   couple of properties (e.g. link color) that are pulled out separately to the
   top of the CSS file, so they are easy to override, should you need to. No
   DTML magic.
   - Three-column layout approach is intact for Plone 4, we'll move to a
   freer layout as part of Plone 5, so no change here either.
   - A theme skeleton —
that Denys checked in for me while I was flying across the Atlantic.
   Unfortunately this is just a blank skeleton still, since I can't get Plone
   running at the moment.

What's missing was to pull these together on top of the current Plone 4
checkout, which should take 4-6 hours including basic testing to have
something ready for the first review deadline. I completed the core of the
work before I went on vacation, and knew that I would only have one day when
returning from vacation to put together the package, so I had the entire day
reserved to complete the actual theme product. Unfortunately, there seems to
be no way I can get Plone running on my current laptop, so I have to find
another computer to do it on.

I'm going to humbly (and embarrassingly) ask for your permission to submit
my PLIP for review late — I have access to a computer running OS X 10.5
tomorrow, so I will most likely have it ready by the end of Monday/Tuesday.
I assume you have enough to do the first 24 hours of the PLIP submission
deadline that it won't feel like you're lacking things to do in the
meantime. :)

It sucks, and I'm sorry — I really didn't expect this to be an issue at all.

Alexander Limi · http://limi.net
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