You can find funkload load test benchmark reports and comparisons at:

The buildout logs for the individual plips can be found with the same
name as the *.cfg file substituting .log for .cfg in:

So if a PLIP looks like it has erroneous results take a look at the log
and let me know if there's anything to be done to get valid results.  Do
this soon since the EC2 instance is costing me money so I will take it
down soon and I won't want to set the whole thing up again once I take
it down.

You may also be interested in the following:

  - Plone 4.0 base against Python 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6

  - Plone 4.0 against Plone 2.5, 3.0, and 3.3

  - Plone 3.3 write conflict error comparison
    (interesting how well 1 ZEO client with 1 thread does against 2 ZEO
    clients with 1 thread each)

Limi and I are working on adding some explanatory text and legends to
these reports but for now this is all you get.  :)  Click through and
around and if there's anything you still can't make sense of, ask and
I'll see what I can do.


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