On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 4:00 AM, Eric Steele <ems...@psu.edu> wrote:
> So here's where we stand, from my viewpoint...
> 1) Plone 4.0 is feeling like a nearly-finished product (Great job, everyone!)

Indeed, much kudos to our tireless release manager!

> 2) Everyone is getting sick of working on it

Right, we all want to work *with it* now :)

> In the interim, I'd like to drop a beta 4 next Wednesday (19 May). This one 
> isn't going to be substantially different from b3, but I think we have enough 
> changes in there to make it worthwhile.

I'll make a new Zope 2.12.6 release in time. The ZODB 3.9.5 upgrade
required some changes to anything creating ZEO instances (the script
was moved to an external package) and I've updated all our buildout
recipes now.

> I'll be spending time over the next few days  digging through our remaining 
> tickets to consider what gets pushed off until 4.x and what should rightly be 
> considered a blocker.

Looking at Trac and from my memory, I'd consider these things to be
blockers for a release candidate:

#10360 - Incomplete migration: site_properties and portal_controlpanel
#10124 - should remove Large Plone Folder type and expose the folder
ordering setting in the schema
#10365 / #10366 - @@blob-file-migration fails on migrated site

These are all migration related. I'd hate to see any large new upgrade
steps being introduced during the release candidates. From what I can
tell the blob issue is a real blocker, as we currently don't upgrade
existing content to blobs during the upgrade. But the upgrade to 4.0
final is exactly the one time where people expect to spent time on
such a large and long taking issue. If we don't do this upgrade
automatically most people will never run it and miss out on one of the
biggest improvements we have.

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