Hi Framework Team and list followers,

I have created a new mailing list,
framewor...@lists.plone.org<framewo...@lists.plone.org>for discussion
of the
nominations for the Plone 4.x Framework Team. I am the initial owner and
will facilitate discussion but not vote.

This list has moderated membership. It is open to folks who 1) have not been
nominated and 2) are members of the current or any past framework team.

Sign up for the list at
http://lists.plone.org/mailman/listinfo/framework41. I will have to
approve subscriptions.

Let's allow three days for subscriptions before beginning discussion.

The nominations are available
fix this if I've left anything off!

By the way, the list will not be archived by lists.plone.org. Discussions on
it should be regarded as private, since they are likely to include personal

Framework-Team mailing list

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