On 7/19/10 12:12 PM, in article 4c447981.5010...@bubblenet.be, "Godefroid
Chapelle" <got...@bubblenet.be> wrote:

> Hi,
> As some of you might know, I am in charge of taking care of the requests
> for write access to collective and archetypes repositories.
> Until now, access to collective is granted on request. Access to
> archetypes repository is channeled through Jens Klein or Daniel Nouri.
> I feel more and more uneasy about the difference of process for both
> repositories.
> This mail to make the following proposal :
> what about granting write access to archetypes repository on request
> just as for write access to the collective ? iow, bypassing the step
> where Jens or Daniel gives approval.

+1 (as I understood that to be the policy already)

> Regards,

Alex Clark · http://aclark.net
Author ‹ Plone 3.3 Site Administration · http://aclark.net/admin

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