- Present: all except Ross Patterson (excused).  David Glick sat in to
take minutes.
- Discussing PLIPs that were held or not discussed last week.
- 10778: Standalone UUID implementation
    - lots of discussion on the mailing list since last time
    - agreement that it is a goal for all content items should have a
UID and have a standard way of looking it up
    - a point release is a good time to add this in preparation for
broader usage in Plone 5
    - concern over adding it without anything in core making use of it,
but #9938 does propose to use it to add link-by-uid support for non-AT
    - Proposal to accept with the condition that no migration is
required for existing AT content (i.e., an IUUID adapter for AT content
is implemented to look up the UID()), and that the existing UID catalog
is used
    - Should the old AT API be deprecated? probably not
    - Accepted Conditionally
- 9324: Use Amberjack to offer guided help for first-time users
    - Was a 4.0 PLIP, rejected mostly because it didn't get finished in time
    - Should ship with the installers, but not necessarily as part of core
    - Probably should be a dependency of the new Plone egg (as opposed
to Products.CMFPlone as created by PLIP #10877)
    - Accepted
- 9329: Manage actions through-the-plone
    - Was submitted for Plone 4.0, rejected due to poor UI, re-submitted
this time by a different proposer
    - Shouldn't expose as a Plone control panel unless the concepts can
be made easier to understand (as opposed to just duplicating the ZMI forms)
    - Disagreement over whether non-Manager power users should have
access to the full power of the actions tool
    - Should be implemented as an add-on first to prove its usability
    - Rejected
- 9559: Vice Outbound Syndication
    - PLIP was out of date
    - Request for Nathan to re-submit a new PLIP with more details about
his proposed (non-Vice) implementation
    - Rejected
- 9934: Add a text field to folders
    - Disagreement over whether adding a text field to folders is the
best solution to the problem
    - Rob noted that collective.folderishpage exists as an add-on that
does something similar (makes pages that are containers)
    - Rejected
- 10359: Convert control panels to use z3c.form
    - No objections
    - Accepted
- 10396: Allow option for using SSL login in form POST
    - Too dangerous to include in a control panel (risk of locking
yourself out), but maybe could be included as a hidden setting in the ZMI
    - Should it be an add-on instead? Would require the add-on to
override the login form, which isn't nice.
    - Proposal to accept under the condition that the implementation is
adding a general property which configures where the login form posts to
    - Accepted Conditionally
- 10687: Plone OpenID Federated Login
    - Accepted
- 10804: Include workflow manager
    - based on uwosh.northstar
    - May need some input from the UI team to make it fit in with the
rest of Plone's UI
- 10809: Table sort internationalization
    - Accepted
- 10874: Convention-based Plone theming
    - There's been a lot of discussion on the PLIP
    - The proposer is now thinking it may be better to create as an
add-on first
    - Danger of introducing yet another way to do theming rather than
    - Agreement that in general, we should be exploring ways to improve
over the status quo of theming
    - Rejected
- 10886: plone.app.event
    - Aims to be backwards-compatible with the current event type
    - Accepted
- 10887: Folder listing entry adapters
    - Lack of consensus over whether the proposed implementation is the
best way, and over whether this should be in core
    - Some concern over performance implications
    - Rejected
- 10900: Use popup forms (overlays) for portlet editing
    - Accepted
- 10901: Set and enforce base coding standards for our own JavaScript
    - Enforcing jslint checks is a good idea; some concern over risks of
changing existing working Javascript
    - Would like inclusion of a recommendation for how to do Javascript
unit testing (ideally automated) (Rob has been using JQunit for Deco.)
    - Accepted
- 10959: API for password validation policy
    - PAS already has a plugin point for this; the proposal is to make
Plone make use of it
    - Accepted
- 10961: Multiple file uploads for folder_contents
    - Commonly desired functionality
    - Okay if it degrades to a non-JS version in some browsers
    - Needs to degrade nicely if the content_type_registry maps a
mimetype to a custom content type with some custom required field
    - Should uploading a text/html file create a Page or a File? 
Probably should be determined the same way as for WebDAV or FTP uploads.
    - Accepted
- 10964: Asynchronously fetch suggestions for 404 Not Found page
    - SEO concerns might be an argument against this
    - needs fallback for users without Javascript enabled
    - does degrade the experience slightly for normal users (effect on
browser history, jump during page load)
    - maybe we just need a setting to disable the automatic search
    - skepticism that it will actually make a difference in performance
given the overhead of rendering the main_template chrome
    - Proposal to hold discussion until Laurence can produce some benchmarks
    - Held
- Scheduling
    - Final PLIP submission deadline is next Friday, Aug. 30
    - Six week PLIP implementation period beginning on the submission
deadline and ending Sept. 11
        - Would like to start reviewing sooner where possible.
        - PLIP authors should let the FWT know as soon as their PLIPs
are ready for review.
- Next FWT meeting is in 2 weeks, at 18:00 UTC, Sept. 7
    - Agenda: discuss any new PLIPs submitted by the deadline
- Plone 4.0 final release expected early next week!
    - general expression of amazement that it is ready after the first
release candidate :)

David Glick
 Web Developer

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