I'd like to see some action and discussion on this in Bristol, who's in?

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 11:16 PM, Martin Aspeli
> wrote:

> Hi Laurence,
> +1 to everything here.
> Other big things for me:
>  - I think we want Deco GUI + Blocks rendering as an optional add-on
> for Plone 4.x at some point, to get this tested properly.
>  - I think we want WSGI as a supported deployment option in 4.x, 5.0
> at the latest, via the Zope 2.13 WSGI work
> Martin
> On 3 September 2010 04:39, Laurence Rowe <l...@lrowe.co.uk> wrote:
> > With the release of Plone 4.0, I thought it would be useful to set out
> > my understanding of where we are headed with future releases. This
> > draws heavily on conversations with Hanno and focuses on
> > infrastructure rather than user visible changes.
> >
> > The intention is to spark a discussion from which I'll write up a roadmap
> on
> > plone.org or dev.plone.org. All plans are of course subject to change -
> but
> > it is useful to set out a direction.
> >
> > Over the years, Plone has accrued much code and added many concepts.
> > In part this is a reflection of the vibrancy of the project, but it
> > has come at a high cost in complexity.
> >
> > Hanno has been doing heroic work with Zope 2 and the ZTK recently, and
> > we will soon be able to completely avoid the large chunks of old Zope
> > 2 code we do not use at all.
> >
> > Acquisition
> > -----------
> >
> > Acquisition was introduced because the ZODB did not support reference
> > cycles. As a programming paradigm though – at least in the implicit
> > form used within Zope 2 – it has been a failure. It is strange and
> > unfamiliar to new developers.
> >
> > It also prevents us from using some natural patterns: the catalogue
> > indexes content by path rather than directly; references between
> > content must be indirected through a path.
> >
> > Phillip and Hanno's work to enable Acquisition over __parent__
> > pointers (included in Zope 2.12 / Plone 4) has given us a path out of
> > our current dependency on it. This has already simplified
> > BrowserViews. The next step is to make sure all content has __parent__
> > pointers all the way to the application root. We should do this for
> > Plone 5 and drop Acquisition entirely in a future version.
> > http://wiki.zope.org/zope2/SetParentAndNameInOFS
> >
> > Catalogue and References
> > ------------------------
> >
> > Once all content has __parent__ pointers to the root, we will be able
> > to use standard ZTK catalog components. Using zope.intid for the
> > catalogue keys allows result sets to be merged across catalogues.
> >
> > We'll also be able to store relations as simple references on content
> > - related items can be stored as a simple list of objects on a piece
> > of content. These can then be indexed in zc.relation directly.
> >
> > Archetypes
> > ----------
> >
> > Plone 5 should be the last major release with Archetypes
> > compatibility. For form based content types, Dexterity is the future.
> >
> > The Publisher
> > -------------
> >
> > The Zope2 publisher has become incredibly complex, with numerous
> > different hooks. In the long run (Plone 6?) we should replace it with
> > our own simplified publisher which runs only in a WSGI pipeline. There
> > will be a lot to learn from BFG here, though that is probably too
> > simplistic for Plone.
> >
> > OFS and CMF
> > -----------
> >
> > Currently, all Zope2 content inherits OFS.SimpleItem. All Plone
> > content also inherits from CMF. In the long run, content items should
> > have simple classes with code in views. These are significant changes
> > and are likely to be the most difficult.
> >
> > Restricted Python
> > -----------------
> >
> > This is another confusing hurdle for new developers and should be
> abandoned.
> >
> > Form Controller
> > ---------------
> >
> > Other than the Archetypes edit forms, it would be best to remove all
> other uses.
> >
> > Tools
> > -----
> >
> > The various tools should become utilities and views. Most of them need
> > not be persistent as settings can be stored with plone.registry.
> >
> > Skins
> > -----
> >
> > Old style templates should be replaced with views. CSS/JS/Images
> > should all migrate to resource directories.
> >
> > Python 3
> > --------
> >
> > In three to five years time we will have to have moved to Python 3. It
> > seems likely that there will be others to help the ZTK porting effort,
> > but little interest in porting Zope2. For the time being then, our
> > focus should be on progressively removing our Zope2 baggage.
> >
> > WSGI
> > ----
> >
> > Various components should be move out of Plone and into the WSGI
> > pipeline. This should allow us to share code with other projects.
> > Prime contenders would be:
> >
> >  * Authentication
> >
> >  * Resource registries
> >
> >
> > Laurence
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> > Framework-Team mailing list
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Roel Bruggink

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