On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 1:49 AM, Martin Aspeli <optilude+li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I know we have a process that says reviewers should add their notes in text
> files in the review buildout. I think it'd be bad to change the process now,
> but for next time around, can I suggest that we use Trac for all comments,
> voting and "official" review notes?
> Right now, I have several PLIPs each with multiple txt files with comments.
> I don't necessarily agree with all the comments (or at least I'd like a
> chance to explain certain decisions). However, text files in svn are just
> about the worst way to keep track of a conversation. I'm not sure if anyone
> is going to consolidate the review notes and tell me what I should do to get
> my PLIPs accepted. If so, it'd help if that was in Trac, so I could actually
> respond and a threaded fashion.
> What do others think?

While I agree that it would be worthwhile to promote a canonical space
for discussion of the PLIPs and reviews, and that Trac is probably our
best option for that, I disagree that putting the reviews themselves
into Trac comments would be helpful or necessary in that cause.  The
text files provide a canonical review location along with a history of
revisions to that review (reviews are nearly always updated over time
in response to discussions and code changes).

If we need to sift through a Trac or mailing list discussion to
understand a reviewer's conclusions, then the process will become
quite cumbersome for the Framework Team (and anyone else wishing to
understand the conclusions of the process).  Trac comments and emails
are not easily updated, so finding the conclusive version of a review
that exists only as part of an ongoing discussion will be difficult.

I'd like to suggest instead that we continue using the text file
reviews, but that reviewers remember to write clear commit messages
including "Refs #XXXX", so that updates to the review are noted in the
Trac comments for the relevant PLIP (also, if you're a reviewer add
yourself to the PLIP CC list in Trac if you're not already in it).  I
don't think it's a tremendous burden for PLIP authors to click the
link in Trac/email to read the review from the code browser, and then
begin discussions in Trac.

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