#9352: Improved search results
 Reporter:  laurenskling    |       Owner:  spliter 
     Type:  PLIP            |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  n/a             |   Milestone:  4.1     
Component:  Infrastructure  |    Keywords:          

Comment(by rossp):

 (In [46338]) Add a review note about reusing plone.app.querystring.  Refs

 It occurrs to me that this PLIP could have and probably should have
 re-used the plone.app.querystring package created for
 plone.app.collection which provides their AJAX search query
 building.  The stuff used by plone.app.collection is pretty slick
 and we should avoid multiple ways of doing things.  It seems like
 this ship has already sailed so it may be too late but I wanted to
 note it.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9352#comment:55>
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