#10886: plone.app.event - new eventtype for plone
 Reporter:  thet            |       Owner:  thet                  
     Type:  PLIP            |      Status:  new                   
 Priority:  minor           |   Milestone:  4.1                   
Component:  Infrastructure  |    Keywords:  event, recurring, date

Comment(by thet):

 about the current status:

 vincent fretin, rok garbas and me attended at the artsprint [1] in
 vienna in the first week of february this year and made some good

 - fixed many bugs, mentioned in the plip reviews
 - optimized archetypes.datetimewidget behavior
 - discussed some plans, how to further improve the package and code
 - partly migrated the test infrastructure to plone.(app.)testing
 - solved the timezone troubles with Zope's DateTime (by using pytz and
 introducing a timezone field for the event object and storing DateTimes
 in UTC only...)
 - prepared some javascript testing stuff to be used for
 js.jquery.recurrenceinput recurrence widget.

 there are still some things to be done - see the current todo list [2].

 [1] http://www.coactivate.org/projects/artsprint2011
 [2] https://svn.plone.org/svn/plone/plone.app.event/trunk/TODO-

Ticket URL: <http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/10886#comment:22>
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