Attending: Eric Steele, Craig Haynal, Alec Mitchell, Elizabeth Leddy, Ross 
Patterson, Martijn Pieters
Absent: Laurence Rowe, Rob Gietema, Matthew Wilkes

        • Empower the release manager and PLIP authors to demand what they 
should expect from the FWT
        • Each PLIP should have a designated FWT champion
                • Allows us to keep better track of PLIPs, AWOL FWT members
                • PLIP authors can poke FWT champion as needed
                • TODO: Make a "how to shepherd your PLIP" doc
        • TODO: Go through existing PLIPs to cull dead ones, find implementers 
for others
        • Move existing PLIPS to "Orphaned"
        • Ross will contact orphaned plip implementers to see if they're still 
        • Targets for 4.2: collections, search results, events, contentlisting
        • Eric will go through and clear out 4.1 milestone
        • Problem: Not all trac users have email addresses assigned. This was 
probably a part of the communication problem in 4.1.
                • TODO: Get Trac user email addresses populated from 
        • Eric will contact board RE: increasing team size to 10.
        • Eric will contact existing members to make sure they want to stay

Next call: 22 March, 2011
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