#11300: Switch to HTML5
 Reporter:  spliter        |       Owner:  spliter 
     Type:  PLIP           |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major          |   Milestone:  4.2     
Component:  Templates/CSS  |    Keywords:          

Comment(by alecm):

 Having looked at the Modernizr docs, it looks like a pretty good idea to
 me.  However, if it's not required for implementing some aspect of the
 HTML5 transition, I'm not sure that it belongs here instead of in a
 separate PLIP.

 Similarly, I'm not sure it makes sense to PLIP it on its own unless the
 PLIP provides some specific ways that Plone can make direct and immediate
 use of Modernizr features.  If it's just something people can use to help
 implement better HTML5 themes and content (e.g. compatible across
 browsers), then it may be best to just create an add-on that installs it
 in Plone (similar to collective.js.jqueryui).

Ticket URL: <http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/11300#comment:30>
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