#10886: plone.app.event - new eventtype for plone
 Reporter:  thet            |       Owner:  thet                  
     Type:  PLIP            |      Status:  new                   
 Priority:  minor           |   Milestone:  4.2                   
Component:  Infrastructure  |    Keywords:  event, recurring, date

Comment(by thet):

 hey, sorry for replying late... i'm going to summarize the status tomorrow
 in more detail.

 but yes, please push it to 4.3. we've made a lot of progress, but not
 ready yet. we did a lot of refactoring, because we rethought some design
 decisions and want to ship a solid product.

 we want to push out a usable release canditate *before* any plip
 implementation deadline of 4.3 - i promise. so people can use it in the
 wild and report bugs.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/10886#comment:35>
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