I've had a 6-plate Showchron for about 20 years and still occasionally use it, 
so I'm going to disagree with Jeff. I live in a part of the world where people 
aren't giving away viable flatbeds on a regular basis, so I may be less 

It's not a Steenbeck, but it's not junk. The modular construction means motors, 
boards, etc can be pulled independently (if you can find replacements or 
repair). The screen unit comes off and the top flips up to go through a 
residential-size door. That beige formica and wood trim has a certain early 80s 
corporate kitchen vibe. 

Oh, and Showchron was started by Firesign Theatre's Peter Bergman, so there's 
that. The flatbeds, or at least components, were made by Honeywell.

Liberman Sound (formerly in LA, now in Portland) used to have some parts and 
would service them, not sure if they still do. The toothed belts will probably 
need replacing, but those are standard industrial items. The amp in mine was 
toast when I got it, but there's a preamp out, and it easy enough to get a 
direct feed from individual sound heads. I have a manual and circuit diagrams 
if you need copies. 

Hope this helps,

Todd Eacrett
Victoria BC Canada
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