Processing reversal as negative in this case is not a good idea for one simple 

Underexposed reversal is dense, and you can push light through it.  
Underexposed negative is nearly clear, and you can't do much with it. 

Pushing over two stops is likely only going to decrease the d-max which will 
not help you.  Long ago we tested a 5-stop push on 7242, which pushed 3 tops 
very nicely. But there's a limit for each stock, and after that the blacks just 
thin out.  That will make it less likely to be able to print up the dense 

Find a lab that does a true two-stop push (some have been known to push 
everything 1.5 stops for convenience) and then see what you have. If there was 
really no light at all you may not have anything useful on the film. If you are 
lucky, there might be an image that can be recovered to some degree.

But sadly, it ain't magic!

Jeff Kreines

On Jan 8, 2012, at 10:18 AM, andrew lennox <> wrote:

> hey charles,
> are you processing it as a reversal or negative?  i think as a reversal the 
> tri-x only has one stop of latitude on either side of the characteristic 
> curve.  I think you will gain a little more latitude by processing negativc 
> and then maybe pull a little more from an vid xfer of that neg.  try negative 
> custom lab.  i think they will push it as much as you want.
> good luck,
> andrew   
> From: charles chadwick <>
> To: Experimental Film Discussion List <> 
> Sent: Sunday, January 8, 2012 9:25:53 AM
> Subject: [Frameworks] push processing advice needed
> Hi all. I have some b+w super8 that I need to push process. It was shot in 
> really dark conditions, so I need to find a lab that will push it to its 
> maximum. I don't care so much about cost. Most of the labs I've looked at do 
> a 2-stop max. Does anyone know of any that do more? Any help is appreciated. 
> Thanks.
> -charles
> -- 
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> or facebook for updates on my upcoming screenings, etc. -
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