1. http://www.vdb.org/titles/aka-mrs-george-gilbert
a/k/a Mrs. George Gilbert

a/k/a Mrs. George Gilbert extends Coco Fusco’s in-depth examination of 
racialized imagery. Fusco combines fictional and documentary source materials 
to reflect on the use of electronic surveillance against black intellectuals 
and activists in the 1960s and 1970s as part of covert FBI operations that bear 
a striking resemblance to the current Patriot Act-inspired activities of 
American law enforcement.


Black Panther
14 minutes

This is the film the Black Panthers used to promote their cause. Shot in 1969, 
in Oakland, San Francisco and Sacramento, this exemplar of 1960s activist 
filmmaking traces the development of the Black Panther organization. In an 
interview from jail, Minister of Defense Huey P. Newton describes the origins 
of the Panther Party, Eldridge Cleaver explains the Panthers' appeal to the 
Black community, and Chairman Bobby Seale enumerates the Panther 10-Point 
Program as Panthers march and demonstrate.

San Francisco State: On Strike
20 minutes

Ethnic studies courses are common today, but that hasn't always been the case. 
In many ways, multicultural education can be traced back to San Francisco in 
1968-1969. In one of the most high-profile student actions of the 1960s, 
students at San Francisco State University went on strike, shutting down the 
campus for six months. University president S.I. Hayakawa called in the police, 
who busted heads and arrested hundreds in an attempt to restore control of the 
campus. But the strike didn't end until the school acceded to student demands 
and created the first ethnic studies department at an American university. This 
film, shot by the students and their allies, is a classic primary source 
document of the 1960s.     

On Feb 14, 2012, at 9:01 AM, Carl Lee wrote:

> Not sure if this is the one you're looking for, but there's a great doc by 
> Louis Massiah called "The Bombing of Osage Avenue" from 1986.  It's been a 
> while since I've seen it, but it focuses more on the effect MOVE and the 
> bombing had on the community.  Here's a link:
> http://scribe.org/catalogue/bombingosageavenue
> Carl
> On 2/13/2012 10:52 PM, ev petrol wrote:
>> trying to remember the name of a doc about MOVE in Philly that Stephen Kent 
>> showed at DUMBA years ago ... ring any bells?
>> cheers moira
>> www.moiratierney.net
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Terri Francis
Associate Professor 
Film Studies, African American Studies
Yale University

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