Prometheus Unhinged: The Films of Bruce Bickford

March 13th, 8pm, Brattle Theatre, Cambridge, MA



We are incredibly excited to present, in person, the legendary animator Bruce 
Bickford and a program of his films next Tuesday night. His work has to be seen 
to be believed, so we will give you a little preview here. By the way, we'll be 
projecting the films in their intended formats, including 35mm!

Born in Seattle, WA in 1947, Bruce Bickford first began animating clay at the 
age of 17. Upon graduating from high school, he spent three years in the 
military, before moving to Los Angeles to find work. In LA, he met Frank Zappa 
and formed a six-year long business relationship creating visuals to accompany 
Zappa's music live and on video releases. At the end of that partnership, 
Bickford returned to his home in Seattle and continues to obsessively make 
work, much of it as of yet released. In 2004, a documentary about Bruce's life 
and work, entitled Monster Road, was released to much acclaim.

More info on our site.

RSVP on Facebook and invite your friends!



PS. And if you are curious about what we have planned next, we will soon post 
info about screenings of Bruce McClure, Nancy Andrews, and the Italian 
documentary The Castle. Stay tuned! 




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