A couple of Croatian films I saw recently:

- Termites by Milan Samec (1963) was made spiling developer over the film
strip, creating random stains over it.
- In Zlatko Hajdler's performance piece 'Kariokinesis' (1965) the artist
slowed down the projector's speed so the film was burned by the lamp.

> Fellow Frameworkers,
> Does anyone have suggestions for films 1945-1962 that create film
> imagery in a destructive way? e.g. scratching, bleaching, hole
> punching, etc.
> I am thinking of works such as Isadore Isou's Venom and Eternity
> (1951), less of Len Lye's Free Radicals (1958).
> Suggestions of works later than '62, up to say 1966 are also welcome
> [i.e. Carolee Schneemann Fuses (1965)]
> Thank you in advance,
> Madison Brookshire
> Los Angeles
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