Thanks Ekrem for this breath of fresh air.

On Thursday, December 13, 2012, Ekrem Serdar wrote:

> An update regarding Wittner in Deutschland, just posted today: Here's the
> link <>, and
> google translate below.
> The relevant info: they seem to have been working on their own color
> reversal with a 160 ASA since early 2012, and are expecting the first test
> results in the first quarter of 2013. Other stuff regarding repackinging
> Fuji Velvia, etc below.
> I know a lot of us always expected that a little group would take up the
> celluloid slack, and that this would just keep getting more and more
> expensive, but I was concerned as I never knew WHO exactly the the
> Impossible Cinematic Project was or could be. Perhaps them it seems.
> ---
> The Day After FAQ
> We want to answer at this point that our most frequently asked questions
> of the last 24 hours. And expressly thank you for the suggestions and
> ideas. The survey on "color confection" could not have been placed see what
> brings us right to question 1:
> Q: Are you knew it a long time?
> A: No, definitely not. We are, as a matter of Kodak employees, assumed to
> be available until early / mid-2014. The discontinuation was at this time a
> surprise for us.
> Q: How long can you still deliver the format XY?
> A: We're sorry, but can not make any meaningful statement. On the one hand
> is not yet fully understood what quantities we are still supplied by Kodak.
> On the other hand it is almost impossible to forecast sales. One thing is
> clear, we will try to offer the material as long as possible.
> Q: Why are there no more Best Offers? Now why some products are more
> expensive?
> A: Firstly, we want to be rapid sales (few buy much) slow down to as many
> users for a long time to gain access to this material. Secondly, we already
> buy the quota of other trading partners abroad, in order to supply our
> customers with material as long as possible can. The reference there
> trodden paths are partly associated with considerable effort and extra
> costs that we have to take into account in our calculations. And the
> material is there for us sensitive expensive than directly from Kodak. But
> we see this as the only way to ensure our customers the best service and
> comfort of the material terms.
> Q: Is Kodak Super 8 done now?
> A: No, definitely not. Kodak has just announced a new Super 8 movie on the
> basis of color negative material Vision3 50D. Only the Ektachrome 100D
> emulsion is at the end and can not be used for Super 8 and other formats.
> Q: What will happen now? What is after the sell your stocks?
> A: We take this discontinuation indeed surprising, but not totally
> unprepared. We have recently received a significant amount bunkered 100D
> material in bulk rolls in cold storage, from which we Wittner again: Chrome
> will produce 100D cassette. We assume that we allow our customers to
> continue for a certain period of time can provide with 100D in Super 8. As
> a follow-up product, we currently favor, in addition to the material the
> Velvia 50 Fujichrome Velvia 100th An adequate dialogue with the company
> Fujifilm we started a few weeks ago. Furthermore, we have for the beginning
> of 2012 the plan to allow foreign produce a color reversal material (exp.
> 160 ASA). The first test section, we expect the first Quarter of 2013.
> Although at the present time, many points are open, and it is unclear
> whether this a truly viable substitute for the discontinued 100D will come
> out, we publish these lines in order to show that not over till evening,
> with respect to color reversal material in cine application. Although we
> offend so blatantly against our own rule never to announce something that
> is not yet ready for the market - or at least close to it. But we believe
> that this situation is important enough to even make an exception. But
> please do not pin us down on this material does not specify neither in time
> nor technically. It will come either way. We will announce details at the
> earliest in 2013. We would like to give to understand, we're here at a bit
> "off". On a positive note. Color reversal positive.
> --
> austin, tx
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