Ok, I just wanted to make sure before shooting. Do you have a lab you can
recommend for processing 16mm and blow up to 35mm?  The blow up is not yet
confirmed (depends on sound issues) but would be good to be prepared from
now.  There are no labs in Bombay that are processing black and white
anymore. Had some trouble with labs abroad as well, so any reliable
recommendations would be helpful.


On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Pip Chodorov <framewo...@re-voir.com>wrote:

> You don't have to lose any. The 16mm stock will capture a full 16mm
> frame. When you blow up you can choose how you frame it - whether the
> image remains 1.33 with black on the sides, or if you zoom in to make
> a 1.66 or 1.85 picture with the top and bottom cut off, or if you
> choose an academy gate (1.33, but many projectionists won't have that
> gate and will cut off the top and bottom anyway).
> You should talk with the people who will help you with the blow-up
> before you shoot.
> At 16:05 +0530 25/12/12, Shumona Goel wrote:
> >Thanks, Pip.  In case I need to blow up to 35mm, how much picture
> >will I lose?  Is it possible to get the full normal 16mm frame in
> >the blow up?
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