 From: zach vonjoo <zu...@yahoo.com>
To: frameworks@jonasmekasfilms.com 
Sent: Thursday, 10 January 2013, 18:43
Subject: [Frameworks] Final orders of Ektachrome.

I called Kodak and they couldn't answer my questions, but maybe that was just 
whoever I spoke with on the phone...


That's a lol - I phoned Kodak UK earlier this year to order some 100D when 
ordering was still a possibility. The guys on the other end of the line were 
looking up Ektachrome under 'digital products' and they couldn't find anything. 
I gave up with them in the end and went along to Panavision where they ordered 
100D from their Kodak source. Panavision are a good firm.  
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