I would be surprised if anyone has much more than a hobby business offering 
such services. You'll either have to DIY or use a digital intermediate. If 
you're doing it yourself you'd also need to look into whether the filmstock 
needed for matte work is still available.

Cineworks in Vancouver, and Northwest Film Forum in Seattle have optical 
printers. There are still labs offering contact prints. Cineworks was given a 
contact printer from Technicolor when they collapsed, but you'd have to learn 
how to use it on your own and lab services would be out of town or DIY.

 From: "ben.weinst...@mindspring.com" <ben.weinst...@mindspring.com>
To: frameworks@jonasmekasfilms.com 
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 1:26:03 PM
Subject: [Frameworks] Rear Screen Projection Rotoscoping 16mm
Hey, does anyone on the west coast have a rotoscoping set up with rear 
projection?  If not does anyone know what kind of glass I should get to make my 
own setup?  Also does anyone have access to a contact printer out there and if 
not do labs offer the service of making traveling mattes?  One more thing.  Is 
there anyone on the west with access to a double filmgate optical printer like 
a JK or Oxberry or somethin?  Sorry bought all the questions but Im gonna need 
all these things soon to do some special FX and im worried everyones sellin 
theres off to stupid museums and what not.  Any info helps.  Thanks yall
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