*Teenage Dream Sequence: An invocation of Jeanne d'Arc
Katherine Bauer

*“More than her defiance of the Church’s authority, more than her claims to
know the future, more than her perhaps, heterodox enthusiasm for the host,
she was condemned for experiencing the other world as simply and as
concretely as she experienced this world every day.”*

The invocation ritual combines a love song with the four primal elements to
invoke the spirit of Jeanne d’Arc to be transcribed onto photographic
paper. The bodies of the mediums upon the photo paper will transcribe
through aid of the light from a 16mm projector the energy of each of the
four acts: Water, Earth, Air, and Fire. The filmic images are the visual
translation of the aural rendering of the love songs. The patterns of light
will pulsate through the mediums' bodies at 24fps onto the photographic
paper. What will remain will be a document of the spirit of Jeanne d’Arc
awoken and reimagined through this mimetic ritual.

Auditorium Edmond Michelet
Cité Internationale des Arts
 <http://www.citedesartsparis.net/>18, rue de l'Hôtel de Ville
75 004 Paris

Entrée libre

  [image: Jeanne d'Arc]
[image: Jeanne d'Arc]

 Une performance de Katherine Bauer dont elle a développé et tiré les
éléments à L'Abominable récemment

[image: logo l'abo] <http://www.l-abominable.org>
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