Among other things, Expanded Cinema was about the moving image becoming 
electronic and therefore no longer medium-specific, and some implications of 
that.  As far as I know, Ed didn’t begin working with video until 1972, when he 
made Scape-Mates at  the Experimental Television Center at WNET. Scape-Mates 
was a pioneering work, however, as it was among the first, if not the very 
first, “film” in which photographed human beings interacted with an entirely 
synthetic electronic environment. If Ed had made it three years earlier it most 
certainly would have been in Expanded Cinema.

I’m currently building a website that will have everything I ever wrote 
(including the review of Relativity in the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner) – 
except  the 150 articles I wrote for the Los Angeles Free Press, which I’m 
collecting in a book. They include the original articles that became Expanded 
Cinema. As an added perk, there’s a lot of psychedelic graphics from the pages 
of the Free Press that appear for the first time in book form, including the 
amazing surrealism of Chick Strand’s husband Martin Muller (“Neon Park”). He’s 
known for his album covers, but these are full-page ads he did for KPPC Radio 
in the sixties. I’m reproducing them as much in memory of Chick as of Marty.

The website should be ready this fall, and the Free Press book will be 
published next year. Also this fall I’m starting a blog called “Secession From 
the Broadcast,” which is about my work in radical media theory. The website is 
the past, the blog is the future. Its subtitle is “Leave the Culture Without 
Leaving the Country.” Thanks for your interest...

From: Doug Chaffin("Douglas Graves") 
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 4:21 PM
To: FrameWorks 
Subject: [Frameworks] Question For Gene Youngblood

I'm a big fan of your Expanded Cinema book. thank you very much for writing it. 
but i'm curious as to why you did not include anything about Ed Emshwiller? 

And i was wondering if you could please put up online your review of 
"Relativity" ?

Doug Graves

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