On Jun 19, 2013, at 5:40 PM, Insa Langhorst wrote:

> The film will have a few scenes which are set at night, so I´ll need to get 
> stock with different sensitivities. I have looked at the VISION2 200T Color 
> Negative Super 8 Film and the VISION2 500T Color Negative Super 8 Film - are 
> they any good? I am also not sure whether to get negative or reversal film.

Super-8 is a medium that was intended for reversal film.  Color negative in S8 
is usually quite ugly, and you probably could shoot 16mm for not much more 
money, with better results.  Underexposed S8 color negative can be truly 
hideous, even when scanned on a great film scanner.

However, Tri-X reversal still exists, and can be quite beautiful.  Consider B&W 
-- it's cheaper and looks better.

Jeff Kreines

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