On Jul 17, 2013, at 9:58 AM, Rick Prelinger <foot...@panix.com> wrote:

> We scan around 350,000 frames a day  on our Muller scanner. A two-shift 
> operation working with fully-assembled small gauge reels would typically run 
> over a million frames/day per scanner.

Scanning speed is usually related to resolution, as higher-resolution sensors 
(with global shutters and good dynamic range, usually CCDs) are slower than 
lower resolution sensors.  Our 3296 x 2472 sensor can scan at 20+ fps, but our 
5K sensor can only scan at 8 fps.  At 20 fps, in a 16 hour 2-shift day, that's 
about 1.1 million frames at 3.3K.  What is the resolution of the Mueller?
> The AEO-Light software Matt uses to read and convert optical tracks is great, 
> but it's far from real-time at this point.

Now called AEO-Sound.  The PC version runs at about 1/3 realtime, which is a 
huge improvement.  Interestingly, you can run several threads of it at the same 
time.  One Kinetta owner runs eleven copies of it at night on a Mac, which 
effectively speeds things up.  The quality of AE0-Sound is far better than most 
analog reproducers, and it deals with problem tracks -- negative tracks, VD 
tracks, mis-positioned tracks -- very well.  Plus, no added wow-and-flutter 
from analog reproduction.  Kudos to the father of AEo-Sound, Greg Wilsbacher at 
the University of South Carolina, who scans a lot of 35mm newsreel negative 
with AEO-Light negative VD tracks on his Kinetta.

Jeff Kreines

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