If I'm not mistaken, some mail clients obscure those, so the headers may
not now be as visible as they otherwise would be.
Thus in gmail you need top-right triangle-thingy, view original, and in
outlook you'd right click, view source, for example.
Then you can control-f on the word archive.

Apologies if this is obvious.

Al Matthews - http://fatmilktv.com
Atlanta, GA, US +1 337 214 4688

On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 9:36 AM, Pip Chodorov <framewo...@re-voir.com> wrote:

> The link is in the header of every FrameWorks message - at the top :
> List-Archive: <https://mailman-mail5.**webfaction.com/pipermail/**
> frameworks/ <https://mailman-mail5.webfaction.com/pipermail/frameworks/>>
> At 9:34 -0400 2/08/13, Bill Seery wrote:
>> Where is the Frameworks archive residing these days? The old Hi-Beam
>> archive ends in 2011
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