Hi Sophie, 

If you'll be in New York , you can buy 100' rolls of 16mm film from B&H. Hunt's 
Photo in Boston also stocks 16mm. Or you could purchase directly from Kodak if 
you can wait for them to ship it. 

For prints - FotoKem supposedly does good work though I haven't had much 
experience with them. If you have time to send it to the East Coast, I highly 
recommend sending to Colorlab in Maryland.



> Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 10:53:49 +0100
> From: m...@sophielascelles.co.uk
> To: frameworks@jonasmekasfilms.com
> Subject: [Frameworks] buy dev + print 16mm film in America
> Dear All,
> I will be touring the US for 2 months, can anyone tell me how much it 
> costs to buy, develop and print a roll of 100 ft 16mm negative film? How 
> do prices compare to the UK? Also where do I buy film on the east coast 
> and where do I dev + print in LA?
> Thanks
> Sophie
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