
While I can not offer direct contact information for Kenneth Anger
I can relate an instance of uncanniness vis a vis  Mr. Anger.
At a "Cine Equipment Sale" on January 28, 2012, held to expunge the old
4th Street basement Millennium Film Workshop of some of its lesser assets along with numerous other cinephiles, I was interested in sifting through undifferentiated 16mm dross
in a huge heap being sold for next to nothing.

As a kind of grace before I went digging and because I knew the Millennium I loved was finished I went up to an old upright piano I had heard tell was brought into the space by Kenneth Anger expressly for a performance he did there. Quietly with reverence I played a few notes
and walked away knowing I'd never see those keys again.

I walked over to the frenzy of pickers at the pile of film cans scattered all over the floor. My jaw just dropped when the very first can I opened utterly absolutely arbitrarily ( I swear )
contained a single reel of the 1935 "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
(in Spanish), a film Mr. Anger claims to have appeared in as a child actor.
I took this as a beneficent sign or portent, a wink to acknowledge
a secret shared path.

( Nothing else I could locate in that pile of 16mm film was anything but worthless garbage.)

If you do speak with him,
please extend to him my thanks.
The proverbial check is in the mail
in an extrasensory sense of course.
Here I am not joking.


On Feb 4, 2014, at 3:24 PM, Francisco Torres wrote:

Maybe using arcane methods like John Dee's mirror... Just kidding.

On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 3:26 PM, Dylan Sharp <dylansh...@gmail.com> wrote: I am also looking for this as the email provided on his website doesn't elicit a reply. That could be intentional though I suppose.

Dylan Sharp

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