Hello all - at the risk of sounding redundant, I wanted to re-post (for
those of you who might not read this listserve all that much) our
announcement that Basement Films has just published our NEW fundraising DVD
collection for Experiments in Cinema v9.72.  Of course we also have DVD
collections that date back to our v4.2 festival and all this stuff is
available at our website - www.experimentsincinema.com

Thanks for supporting us by purchasing these DVD collections - the money we
raise from these sales ensures that our entry fees ALWAYS stay very low for
domestic artists and ALWAYS free to international artists!

Basement Films is, and always was a 100% volunteer run organization - we
are proud to share our passion for the Alternative Screen (Youngblood).

Basement Films and our annual Experiments in Cinema festival is deeply
invested in creating community (perhaps a micro-community).

We will leave it up to others to support ambition and art-star-dom... Yuk!

Have a great summer everyone!
bryan konefsky
director, Experiments in Cinema
el presidente, Basement Films

Great art has always gone to the masses, to their hopes and dreams, for
that spark that kindled their souls. The rest, "the many, all too many" as
Nietzsche called mediocrity, have been mere commodities that can be bought
with money, cheap glory, or social position.
- Emma Goldman
FrameWorks mailing list

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