I’ve used Dektol with hi-con plenty, but my experience is that exposure times 
are VERY short, definitely less than 1 min with the chemistry at room 
temperature, even when I dilute the developer.  (It slows considerably as the 
chemistry gets exhausted, of course.)  I rate hi-con at ASA 12 when I shoot it, 
so that could make a difference in time to proper exposure.  Like Christopher 
suggests, I do use a safelight with 7363 and just eyeball proper exposure, but 
I find it VERY easy to miss the mark & end up with black film.  (I also process 
as negative, since I don’t love the idea of dealing with scary bleach.)  

I’m certainly not a lab expert, but I do demos of this regularly enough with my 
students to feel pretty confident that my results are repeatable and that these 
very fast development times aren’t just a one-time quirk.

Can anyone else confirm this?

On Aug 4, 2014, at 2:08 PM, Chris G <spy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Erin,
> 7363 is orthochromatic and is process until completion, so you can't *really* 
> overprocess it. It is extremely forgiving in terms of time and temperature. 
> I'd recommend processing under a safelight so you can watch the process. 
> Using a paper developer such as Dektol will afford you a wider range of 
> tones/greys over film developers and is a great way to play with the stock. 
> D-19 is a high-contrast developer and will typically give you black or white 
> with little in between. Usually I process short strands (40'/12m or less) of 
> 7363 in trays or buckets with paper developer and a safelight until it looks 
> "done." Guessing around 5-6 minutes at 68F/20C. I've honestly never checked 
> the time but have had a lot of success with this method.
> Cheers,
> Christopher Gorski
> On Aug 3, 2014, at 22:09, Erin Weisgerber <eri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I usually use D-19 to process 7363 to negative, but I'm thinking of trying 
> out Dektol for this purpose.
> Would anyone be willing to share some guidelines processing times for 7363 
> processed to neg in Dektol?
> How would you describe the difference in look between '63 developed in D-19 
> compared to Dektol?
> Thanks so much for your help.
> Erin
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