Dear FrameWorks list subscribers,

InVisible Culture: An Electronic Journal for Visual Culture (IVC) is 
recirculating the CFP for “Blueprints” as the deadline of Oct. 15, 2014 fast 
approaches. Please share widely with any potentially interested scholars, 
artists, relevant listservs and social media platforms, and don’t hesitate to 
reach out with any questions.

Best regards,

Joel Neville Anderson
PhD Student, Visual and Cultural Studies
University of Rochester


“Blueprints” – Issue 23

For its twenty-third issue, InVisible Culture: An Electronic Journal for Visual 
Culture invites scholarly articles and creative works that consider the 
multiple valences of the topic: blueprints.

In his theoretical manifesto, Toward An Architecture, Le Corbusier wrote, “The 
plan is the generator. Without plan there can be neither grandeur of aim and 
expression, nor rhythm, nor mass, nor coherence. . . . The plan is what 
determines everything; it is the decisive moment.” The plan or blueprint is the 
primary tool of the architect’s and the drafter’s trades—a technical document 
that bridges creative impulse and constructive labor, intent and execution, 
virtuality and materiality. Taking shape as a conversation among concept, form, 
and representation, a blueprint insistently nudges its spectator’s gaze outside 
its frame. It is understood as a necessary stage on the way to something 
larger, something grander, something more, and is usually seen not as a 
self-contained object, but as prescription directed toward a particular 
outcome. Yet a blueprint may also be the terminus of the unrealized and the 
unrealizable. Étienne-Louis Boullée’s Cénotaphe à Newton, Le Corbusier’s Ville 
Contemporaine, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Broadacres, and the Chicago Spire are among 
the many visionary designs abandoned at the drawing board, whose construction 
in real space we may now only imagine.

In Issue 23, we would like contributors to consider how blueprints—and more 
broadly, agendas, manifestos, models, or prophesies—negotiate between the 
present and an imagined, idealized, or impossible future. What qualities and 
limitations are shared by conceptual architecture and other speculative 
mediums? How do plans and prototypes function as a critique of present 
realities? What is the aesthetic value of diagrams, renderings,  sketches, or 
preparatory studies? What occurs when we no longer consider the model as 
process, but as finished product? What are the mechanisms through which the 
plan attempts to fill the gap between language and image or event?

We welcome papers and artworks that further the various understandings of 
blueprints. Possible topics of exploration include, but are not limited to:

  *   Conceptual architecture
  *   Models, prototypes, renderings, and preparatory studies
  *   Graphs, cyanotypes, etchings, and other media related to tracing
  *   Political manifestos
  *   Prophecy and speculation
  *   Disparity between concept and execution
  *   Representations of utopia or dystopia
  *   World’s Fairs and Expos
  *   Storyboards and scripts
  *   Unfinished or posthumously completed works
  *   Dance and performance notation
  *   Digital urban planning

Please send completed papers (with references following the guidelines from the 
Chicago Manual of Style) of between 4,000 and 10,000 words to 
ivc[dot]rochester[at]gmail[dot]com by October 15, 2014. Inquiries should be 
sent to the same address.

Creative/Artistic Works
In addition to written materials, InVisible Culture is accepting work in other 
media (video, photography, drawing, code) that reflect upon the theme as it is 
outlined above. For questions or more details concerning acceptable formats, go 
to or contact 

InVisible Culture is also currently seeking submissions for book, exhibition, 
and film reviews (600-1,000 words). To submit a review proposal, go 
to or contact 

The journal also invites submissions to its blog feature, which will 
accommodate more immediate responses to the topic of the current issue. For 
further details, please contact us at ivc[dot]rochester[at]gmail[dot]com with 
the subject heading “blog submission.”

* InVisible Culture: An Electronic Journal for Visual Culture (IVC) is a 
student run interdisciplinary journal published online twice a year in an open 
access format. Through peer reviewed articles, creative works, and reviews of 
books, films, and exhibitions, our issues explore changing themes in visual 
culture. Fostering a global and current dialog across fields, IVC investigates 
the power and limits of vision.

InVisible Culture
503A Morey Hall
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY 14627
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