1999. Their XTR Prod was still enjoying updates around then too.

On Sunday, January 18, 2015, Beebe, Roger W. <beebe...@osu.edu> wrote:

>  When was the Aaton A-Minima introduced?  Early 2000s?  Late 1990s?
> That’s the most recent big film camera launch I remember.  But doesn’t it
> seem like there are kickstarters for new film cameras all the time still?
> Wasn’t there some Scandanavian s8 camera just a few years ago (that was
> going to be outrageously expensive)?  I think it’d be hard to come up with
> a definitive list of those smaller products.  I tired to look at the
> super8wiki to see if there was a way to search the cameras by model year,
> but it doesn’t seem especially easy to do.
>  2 cents,
> R.
>  On Jan 18, 2015, at 8:55 AM, Pablo Marin <pamari...@yahoo.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','pamari...@yahoo.com');>> wrote:
>   Hi all,
>  Just a quick question, inspired by the recent introduction of the Logmar
> S-8 camera and its statement about being "the first new Super 8 camera to
> hit the market in 30 years".
>  Does anybody knows besides this Logmar machine when was the last film
> camera model introduced to the market? I'm sure it would have to be a
> 35mm/70mm or maybe Super 16? Early 2000s?
>  Thanks a lot!
> Pablo.
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