There are multiple other collections of writings, if these are being
included, but do those fit the initial question?  Just last year was also
Lambert, Andrew, ed. The George Kuchar Reader, by George Kuchar (Primary
Information, 2014)

Off to meandering nit-picking:

What is the correct bibliography format for a reader?  Shouldn¹t it still
really be under Kuchar¹s name (or Markopolous¹s)?  Been too long since
college & MLA Standards...
Looking it up...

A Work Prepared by an Editor
Cite the book as you normally would, but add the editor after the title.
Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. Ed. Margaret Smith. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Kuchar, George.  The George Kuchar Reader.  Ed. Andrew Lampert. Primary
Information, 2014
Markopoulos, Gregory. Film as Film, The Collected Writings of Gregory
Markopoulos. Ed. Mark Webber.  Foreward by P. Adams Sitney.  The Visible
Press, 2014.

Whatever happened to alphabetizing by last name of author?  Zotero also has
the nice touch of alphabetizing by title and author, if you select the

It looks like Michael has assembled his by publication date.
But returning to Michael¹s compiled list, adding the two above for now, and
similar for Deren & Brakhage & Frampton, and a few more, including the book
coming in a couple of months.  But this adds readers, analysis of specific
films, etc.  Retaining Michaels¹ date order. (I started changing it to be
last name, first name, but then stopped).

Histories of avant-garde film in the United States:
Jacobs, Lewis. ³Experimental Cinema in America 1921-1947² in The Rise of the
American Film (1948)
Manvell, Roger. Experiment in the Film (1949)
Pike, Robert. A Critical Study of the West Coast Experimental Film Movement
(UCLA dissertation, 1960)
Battock, Gregory.  The New American Cinema (1967)
Sheldon Renan, An Introduction to the American Underground Film (1967)
Parker Tyler, The Underground Film: A Critical History (1968)
Gene Youngblood, Expanded Cinema (1970)
P. Adams Sitney, ed., Film Culture Reader (1970)
David Curtis, Experimental Cinema (1971)

Annette Michelson, Artforum: Structural Film (special issue), September 1971

Jonas Mekas, Movie Journal (1972)

Annette Michelson, New Forms in Film. Montreux, August 3/24 1974 (catalog,

P. Adams Sitney, Visionary Film (1974)

P. Adams Sitney, ed. The Essential Cinema: Essays on the Films in the
Collection of the Anthology Film Archives (1975)
Standish Lawder, The Cubist Cinema (1975)
Stephen Dwoskin, Film Is: The International Free Cinema (1975)
Amos Vogel, Film as a Subversive Art (1976)
Robert Russett & Cecile Starr, Experimental Animation (1977)
Malcolm Le Grice, Abstract Film and Beyond (1977)
Maureen Turim, Abstraction in Avant-Garde Films (1978/85)
Dominique Noguez, Une renaissance du cinéma : le cinéma "underground"
américain (1985, reprinted 2002)
David E. James, Allegories of Cinema (1989)

Stan Brakhage, Film at Wit¹s End (1989)
Patricia Mellencamp, Indiscretions: Avant-Garde Film, Video, & Feminism
William Wees, Light Moving in Time: Studies in the Visual Aesthetics of
Avant-Garde Film (1992)
David James, To Free the Cinema: Jonas Mekas and the NY Underground (1992)
Bart Testa, Back and Forth: Early Cinema and the Avant-Garde (1992)
Scott MacDonald, Avant-Garde Film Motion Studies (1993)

William C. Wees, Recycled Images (1993)
James Peterson, Dreams of Chaos, Visions of Order (1994)
Robert Haller, First Light: Abstract Light Forms (1998)
Jan-Christopher Horak, Lovers of Cinema: The First American Film
Avant-Garde, 1919-1945 (1998)
Joan Hawkins, Cutting Edge: Art-Horror and the Horrific Avant-Garde (2000)
Bruce Posner, Unseen Cinema: Early American Avant-Garde Film 1893-1941

Brakhage, Stan.  Essential Brakhage: Selected Writings on Film-Making.  Ed.
Bruce R. McPherson (2001)
Bill Nichols, Maya Deren and the American Avant-Garde (2001)
Scott MacDonald, The Garden in the Machine. A Field Guide to Independent
Films About Place (2001)
Chrissie Iles, Into the Light: The Projected Image in American Art 1964-1977
Lauren Rabinovitz, Points of Resistance: Women, Power, and Politics in the
New York Avant-garde Cinema, 1943-71 (2003)

Deren, Maya.  Essential Deren: Collected Writings on Film. Ed. Bruce R.
McPherson (2005)
David E. James, The Most Typical Avant-Garde: History and Geography of Minor
Cinemas in Los Angeles (2005)
Jeffrey Skoller, Shadows, Specters, Shards: Making History in Avant-Garde
Film (2005)
Paul Arthur, Line of Sight: American Avant-Garde Film Since 1965 (2005)
Robert Haller, Crossroads: Avant-Garde film in Pittsburgh in the 1970s
Alexander Graf, ed., Avant-Garde Film (Avant-Garde Critical Studies 23)
Robin Blaetz, Women¹s Experimental Cinema: Critical Frameworks (2007)
P. Adams Sitney, Eyes Upside Down (2008)
Woody Vasulka and Peter Weibel, eds., Buffalo Heads: Media Study, Media
Practice, Media Pioneers, 1973­1990 (2008)

Frampton, Hollis.  On the Camera Arts and Consecutive Matters: The Writings
of Hollis Frampton. Ed. Bruce Jenkins (2009)
Steve Anker, et al, Radical Light: Alternative Film and Video in the San
Francisco Bay Area, 1945-2000 (2010)
Dominique Noguez, Eloge du cinéma expérimental (3rd ed., 2010)
A. L. Rees, A History of Experimental Film and Video (2011)
A. L. Rees, et al, Expanded Cinema: Art, Performance, Film (2011)

Pierson, Michele, David E. James, and Paul Arthur, eds.  Optic Antics: The
Cinema of Ken Jacobs (2011)

Adeline Coffinier & Victor Gresard, Film Culture Index 1955-1996 (2012)

Murphy, J.J. The Black Hole of the Camera: The Films of Andy Warhol. (2012)

Crimp, Douglas.  ³Our Kind of Movie²: The Films of Andy Warhol (2012)

Erika Balsom, Exhibiting Cinema in Contemporary Art (2013)
Kuchar, George.  The George Kuchar Reader.  Ed. Andrew Lampert. (2014)

Markopoulos, Gregory. Film as Film, The Collected Writings of Gregory
Markopoulos. Ed. Mark Webber.  Foreward by P. Adams Sitney.  The Visible
Press, (2014)

James, David E. and Adam Hyman, eds.  Alternative Projections: Experimental
Film in Los Angeles, 1945-1980.  (2015)

On 1/30/15 6:48 AM, "Pip Chodorov" <> wrote:

> The last one is not by Sitney but is edited by Mark Webber and is titled "FIlm
> as FIlm, The Collected Writings of Gregory Markopoulos.
> At 9:40 -0500 30/01/15, Michael Betancourt wrote:
>> P. Adams Sitney, ed. The Collected Writings of Gregory Markopolous (2014)
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