Dear Friends,

It has been a while since we sent out a dispatch from the defense fund and I
think that it is time for me to write to you personally and to express my
deepest gratitude for your unwavering support.  I cannot express strongly enough
how much your support has meant to me throughout the past six years.  You kept
me alive and believed in me enough to help me fight the greatest fight of my
life.  I have not been able to comment about the case while it was pending but
now I can speak and I will!

I am humbled by the amount of passionate support that you gave to me.  You kept
me from feeling like I was in this alone and that this was just my fight.  All
of you fought tirelessly and relentlessly giving me the courage I needed to keep
going.  You were always there for me – taking my calls, reading and responding
to the emails from my defense fund team, sending me cards and notes letting me
know how much you care about my wellbeing and how troubled you were about all of
this.  You cared and you all did something.  You made significant donations to
pay for my attorneys and forensic experts (who in the end were really
instrumental in the resultant plea offer made to me).  Without your support I
never could have afforded the level and quality of our star computer expert and
because I could pay her in a timely fashion she always took my calls and spent
hours on the phone with me (without charge) talking me down and reassuring me
that I was not delusional – that I was innocent and she would be here for me no
matter what, even if I couldn’t afford to pay her. She is outraged over these
charges and believes that the charges had no merit and should have been dropped.

I want to also let you know that personally and emotionally I am well and on the
road to recovery.  My brain is working again!  The synapses are returning and I
am full of energy.  The anxiety that crippled me and sent me down the rabbit
hole more times than I care to recall has abated.  Thanks to all of the kind
people in the Department of Art at UB I am now teaching fulltime.  People are
reaching out to me for my counsel and expertise to help them with their various
organizations. I am beginning to breathe again and feel like I actually have a
future and something to offer the world.  I am returning to art making and I
have a solo exhibition of my DE PROFUNDIS prints (some new ones too) in June at
the BT&C Gallery here in Buffalo.  The exhibition will be titled “Indicted”!  I
have also been awarded an artist residency at the Institute of Electronic Art at
Alfred University.  I am pleased to report that many good things are beginning
to happen in my life again.

For now let me just say that you all have played a major role in my survival.  I
never would have made it through this without you.  You never allowed this case
and these unjust charges to define me and thereby prevented me from letting them
define who I am.  It was such a bleak and dark period of my life but each and
every one of you shined a light into my life and gave me hope and courage and
for that I will be forever in your debt and humbled by the love and kindness
that you gave to me without question or expectation.

We will continue to keep you informed of the various activities, screenings,
exhibitions, fundraisers and articles as they occur or being planned but for now
I really just want to thank you from the depth of my being for being such loyal
and dear friends.

In solidarity!

Lawrence (Larry to some)


We still need to remind everyone that Lawrence agreed to a plea deal to bring
this unfair situation to an end.  Probation still limits his movements and he is
subject to very close observation.  Freedom from this prosecution has cost
Lawrence dearly, financially and otherwise, and we need to continue to raise
significant funds for his mounting debt. To make tax deductible donations to
Lawrence’s defense please log on to and donate
to the Artist Fund for Lawrence Brose.

We encourage everyone to visit the defense fund website to catch up on what is
new, view the artwork that has been donated for sale and read the compelling
letters of support from notable people who have voiced their outrage and concern
for what is happening to

Thank you for your continued support.  Please share this with your own network.

The Lawrence Brose Legal Defense Fund Team
FrameWorks mailing list

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