Asking this for friends (Futurefarmers) working on a piece for the fall: would 
anyone who has accumulated odd reels of 35mm have a faded, half-damaged or 
otherwise non-archival copy of part or all of OUR MR. SUN (in 35mm)? Their 
piece is acute rather than chronic, as we used to say when I worked high school 
summers in the thoracic surgery lab, meaning that the reel would not be 

If not MR. SUN, possibly something else that might deal with energy, labor, 
horsepower, humanpower.

Thank you for any leads, which I will pass on to them.

Rick Prelinger / @footage
Prelinger Archives, San Francisco

Associate Professor, Film & Digital Media, UC Santa Cruz

Prelinger Library (, a member of the 
Intersection Incubator, a program of Intersection for the Arts providing fiscal 
sponsorship, incubation and consulting to artists 

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