Hello Frameworks,
Please can you post this call for entries for me?  You've kindly listed calls 
for entries for me in the past and it has always led to some excellent 
submissions.  Details pasted in below.

Kindest Regards,

AlteredStates, call for entries 
Submissionsare currently being sought for AlteredStates,an immersive exhibition 
of visionary experimental film and artists'film and video work at the Electro 
Studios Project Space in St.Leonards-on-Sea, U.K. The exhibition will form part 
of the CoastalCurrents Arts Festival, which takes place between the 28th of 
Augustand the 13th September 2015.

Incurating this programme we are searching for works that articulatefilm's 
power to initiate or approximate heightened states ofconsciousness, 
transporting us across the threshold into adream-state. We are looking for 
works that imaginatively reshape thebase materials of the everyday world into 
something rich and strange. Applicants are encouraged to interpret this broad 
theme as freely asthey like.

Whilethere are no restrictions on date of production or premiere status weare 
keen to include new and unseen works in the programme. Filmsshould ideally be 
10 minutes or under although some exceptions may bemade. Applicants are free to 
submit as many pieces of work as theylike. 
Submissionsare requested via e-mail, with applicants sending links to 
workposted on video sharing platforms like vimeo or youtube (pleaseensure the 
password is included if required). Quicktime files can besubmitted via 
wetransfer, just include the download link in yoursubmission e-mail. Please 
include a short synopsis or statement onthe work, along with a list the film's 
prior screenings. Applicantsare also welcome to include any additional 
supporting material deemedrelevant. 
Thesubmission deadline is: 13/07/15.
Pleasesend your submission information to: i...@tobytatum.com.
AlteredStates isbeing curated by Toby Tatum & Mark French for the 
CoastalCurrents Arts Festival 2015. More information about the ElectroStudios 
Project Space and the Coastal Currents Arts Festival can befound here:
Queriesand questions regarding this programme can be directed 
Welook forward to receiving your films and eagerly await beingtransported to 
Altered States...  

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