Does your Mac have a retina screen?  That would explain the humongous
screen grab footage.

Can you just export it out of Premier at the full size, then open it in
QuickTime?  From there you can export again at different sizes like 1080 or
720.  A different program like Compressor would have more options, but
since you already have QuickTime, that might be a place to start.

On Thursday, May 28, 2015, Kelsey Velez <> wrote:

> Hey Frameworks,
> I'm testing out Google Maps as a terrain for video-making. The footage,
> exported and recorded through Quicktime, is compressed as an .MOV file. The
> aspect ratio is apparently HUGE so editing in Premiere and then trying to
> export the final product as an .mov file is a problem. Basically even
> though my sequence settings are set to match the footage, which is
> apparently very large, I am unable to compress without losing basically a
> third of the perimeter and somehow getting a weird zoomed in image. Does
> anybody have a clue how to explain this? Go slow.
> Kelsey
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