Interestingly I saw the LFMC print of Kodak Ghost Poems as a student at 
Maidstone college of art in the early 1970s, it was in good condition then.  
I’ve not forgotten it (obviously).


On 12 Jun 2015, at 16:19, Rise Hall-Noren <> wrote:

> Dear Gene,
> To clarify the record, Eastman Kodak did send Andrew a letter in late 1973 or 
> early 1974, which very politely requested that he change the title of Part I, 
> since Kodak was a protected trademark.  I still remember when we received the 
> letter, which is in our files, and there was a small exchange of 
> correspondence in which Andrew promised to immediately make the change and 
> follow up to track down any prints.  
> Of course, when a major US corporation sends a letter that they wish to 
> protect  their registered trademark, at the time to a very poor artist, the 
> threat of a lawsuit was implied. 
> Perhaps a year or so later, Kodak's Legal Dept. sent another letter that 
> concerned a bootleg print of Part I, now known to us as "Huge Pupils", that 
> travelled through Europe for 4-5 years that he and the London Coop had never 
> been able to track down.  At the end of that period, the London Coop somehow 
> managed to get their hands on it, and Andrew requested that they destroy it, 
> as it was in terrible condition.  No one ever wants their work exhibited that 
> way.
> Just for the record, Kodak showed nothing but courtesy and restraint, and 
> they did own the trademark, after all.
> Rise' Hall-Noren
> On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 5:08 PM, Gene Youngblood <> wrote:
> There’s no particular point to this except the memory of when Kodak 
> threatened to sue Andrew and he changed the name of his work to Adventures of 
> the Exquisite Corpse. Now there’s two corpses and two ghosts, each haunting a 
> different world I guess...
>> On Jun 11, 2015, at 2:03 PM, Alex Lake <> wrote:
>> I viewed the three titles at the NYPL just last year and can attest that all 
>> the prints are in great shape. Now if there were only viewing copies of 
>> Kodak Ghost Poems/Huge Pupils, but it's good to hear there's a print of Wind 
>> Variations in Berlin!
>> On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Jacob <> wrote:
>> For what it's worth, I had the chance to view Charmed Particles, The Lighted 
>> Field and Imaginary Light at the NYPL in the Summer of 2012.  Admittedly, my 
>> perception of the condition of the prints may have been swayed by how 
>> incredible the films are, but I remember them being in fantastic condition...
>> -- 
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>> Carolina MacGillavrylaan 2148 1098XK
>> Amsterdam
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