Animated scratching: Broken Down Film (Osamu Tezuka, 1985)

Naomi Uman¹s Removed (1999)

Isidore Isou¹s Venom and Eternity (1951)

But, these and the other suggestions so far, um, only scratch the surface.

Patrick F.

On 8/25/15 3:44 PM, "Carl E Bogner" <> wrote:

> Tess, hi - 
> I had a colleague in the Film Department, recently transplanted to Ann Arbor,
> who wouldn¹t let a frame of her film go through the gate unless she had
> scratched on it. 
> I overstate but Naz Dincel¹s practice relentlessly involves scratching on her
> film -- or, that is to say, involves relentless scratching. Her film ³Her
> Silent Seaming² -- to cite an example -- was a Jury Award winner at FLEX this
> year and also screened at Images, among other places.
> (I think she has her ear to the ground so she may respond to you off-list?
> Naz, contact Tess.)
> Also there is that propositional film that Frampton talked about in ³A
> Lecture,² its constantly inscribed scratch transplanting what the film is
> about from ³Lana Turner² to that very scratch, if I recall correctly.
> What¹s with Roger Beebe¹s premature fatigue? Man!
> Carl
> Milwaukee
> From: FrameWorks <> on behalf of Tess
> Takahashi <>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 2:08 PM
> To: Experimental Film Discussion List
> Subject: [Frameworks] Titles of scratch films
> I'm doing something on films that employ scratching directly on celluloid like
> Brakhage's Chinese Series, David Gatten's Fragrant Portals..., Dona Cameron's
> World Trade Alphabet, Barbel Neubauer's work, Pierre Hebert's work, Storm
> DeHirsch's Peyote Queen, and Len Lye's Free Radicals.
> What am I missing? Old and New?
> Bonus points it it's set to African drums...
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