Dear frameworkers,

Anyone who can advise me how to obtain high-resolution (600dpi) screen
grabs from DVDs? I'm in preparation for my book manuscript and want to
include some frame grabs as its accompanied illustrations.

Perhaps someone who has obtained frame grab images for his/her publication
of a book or a journal article will advise me what software application I
will have to use. I'm a macbook pro user and usually play DVDs and get
screenshots from them with VLC, but it is unlikely that only VLC can't
allow me to get the high-resolution screenshots that are acceptable for
camera-ready copies. Thus it is appreciated anyone recommends me a program
for the purpose (a Mac OS program is preferred, but a PC program is also

All the best,

Jihoon Kim
Assistant Professor, Cinema and Media Studies
Department of Film Studies
Chung-ang University

Art Center (301-dong) RM 507
221 Heukseok-dong, Dongjak-gu
Seoul, South Korea 156-756
Tel: 82-2) 820-5471
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