Two weeks ago my super8 camera disappeared from my pack while I was
traveling by bus in a mountain region of northern Italy (I'd say usually a
fairly safe environment). In the camera there was an Ektachrome 100-D
partially exposed: some silly but important things I shot.

Few days ago, while I was processing a film in my darkroom, I put
bleach-fix instead of color developer in the tank. So colors went down the
drain: again, it was another silly but important thing I shot.

It never happened to me before to have a camera lost - or stolen - on a
public transport, and I never mixed-up bottles in the darkroom before.

Then Kodak came out with this announcement of this new camera and their
negative film which they take care of for you for something like
seventyfive bucks...

Just a thought - maybe inspiring for a script or something :-)
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