Bruce Conner- Permiann Strata. Because....

BRUCE CONNER: Well, when I was in high school I was very interested in
paleontology and archeology. I had a geology class which I had no real
interest in because they were always scratching rocks for the first
two-thirds of the semester before it got into paleontology. My instructor
in high school, Dr. Barnard, made a claim that there were no trilobites in
the Permian strata in Kansas. Nobody had ever found any. Michael and Dave
knew of a limestone quarry where there were lots of fossils. There were
many fossils that had come loose, little bits of pyrenoids. There was a big
heap of pieces of rock. You did not have to dig things up. It was just
mounds and tons of shattered rock with fossils in it. I drove out there
with them. I had the car. They were just having a trip in the country. I
was looking for fossils. I crawled up on one big heap and started looking
at rocks and Michael was throwing rocks at me. Dave was throwing rocks at
me and I said, "Stop it. I have to look at this stuff and find some good
fossils." Mike picked up a rock indiscriminately and threw it to me and
said, "There is your trilobite." I looked at it and *it was*. There was a
trilobite and that made us excited. I ended up with twenty-five trilobites
that I brought to this class. I changed my instructor's attitude that
trilobites did not exist in Kansas Permian strata. Later, Dave was taking
science classes and was doing student teaching under that same teacher.
Unbeknownst to the teacher, Dave knew all about this story and he asked him
about trilobites and Permian strata. He said, "Yes, they just don't seem to
exist in Kansas. But there is one place seventy-five miles east of here
where they have been found."


BRUCE CONNER: I named a movie after that, which had a sound track of Bob
Dylan signing "Everybody Must Get Stoned." It was a bad joke movie and I
figured that the most obscure and elliptic kind of way of referring to it
would be to call it "Permian Strata." Nobody would really know what it was
about until they saw it.

PAUL CUMMINGS: You get three geologists and they say, "Ah, there is
something new."

2016-02-26 13:13 GMT-04:00 Benjamin Popp <>:

> I know Ruth Hayes is working on something using copper I believe.
> Eric Stewart's "FE" uses iron
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