>     List:    FrameWorks@jonasmekasfilms.com
>     From:    rober...@earthlink.net
>     Subject: 1. Rephotographing 16mm (Morgan Hoyle-Combs)
>     Reason:  Post by non-member to a members-only list
> Morgan,
> Do you wish to stay in film process and avoid digital processing, through 
> which these things are easily handled?
> You don't need to do optical printing--make a contact print made with 
> appropriate light settings ("timing") and choice of stock. Work with your lab 
> on this. Of course the contact print will be flipped left to right, and 
> emulsion side (it will be A wind not B wind).
> Best wishes,
> Robert Withers
> New York City
> withe...@earthlink.net
> Re:
>   1. Rephotographing 16mm (Morgan Hoyle-Combs)
> From: Morgan Hoyle-Combs <mhoyleco...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: [Frameworks] Rephotographing 16mm
> Date: July 12, 2016 6:26:48 AM EDT
> To: Experimental Film Discussion List <frameworks@jonasmekasfilms.com>
> Hello all, 
> Not sure if my first message got through, but here it goes again:
> One of my 16mm films came out a little too dense. It was a Double X roll 
> processed as a reversal but the end result was rather dark. There's still 
> images but they need to be blown out. Is there a way to rephotograph the roll 
> to give it more contrast? Could this be done via optical printer? 
> Let me know whatever helps! 
> -Morgan

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