Hi everyone - In addition to having our call for submissions now open at http://www.experimentsincinema.org/#!submissions/c1xio, I'd like to remind you that because our festival is run by a 100% volunteer crew, we do depend on "the kindness of strangers" to make it happen every year. To this end one of the ways that we raise funds to support the costs of producing Experiments in Cinema is by selling merchandise which can be found at http://www.experimentsincinema.org/#!shop--cart/c1op5. In particular I'd like to highlight the two yearbooks we have published (Undependently Yours: Imagining a World Beyond the Red Carpet, Experiments in She-ness: Women and Undependent Cinema) and our fundraising DVD collections (the DVD collections go back to our 4th edition when we began producing the discs). I'd like to thank all the artists and writers who have contributed their work to the texts and DVDs as it is a clear and generous expression of their support of our efforts. If any of you might teach, perhaps you would be interested in asking your institutions library if they might be willing to purchase our books/DVDs. We have already placed our materials at universities such as Emerson, Pacific University, U of Cincinatti, Northwestern, UT San Antonio, Sarah Lawrence, Bennington and in Europe at Image Movement in Berlin.
Thanks for your support! cinematically yours, bryan konefsky founder/director, Experiments in Cinema
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