Thanks Amanda, Scott, Pip, Sherman and David!  I very much appreciate all the 

I appreciate the links to Kodak’s info, Sherman.  Unfortunately, I’m not able 
to access further links from that page.  Seems I need program membership, but I 
don’t find info on what that is. 

Great to learn about onions as a temporary fix, Pip! 

Sounds like the most problematic chemicals are in bleach, fix, and hypoclear.   
If spent chemicals are decanted and taken to a toxic waste site, how much of a 
concern are the trace chemicals and silver in washes?  Many folks seem to think 
the impact on the septic system is not of major concern, which leaves me with a 
concern about drinking water and general environmental health.  Searches online 
bring up opinions running the gamut, but we’ll be drinking water that has these 
untreated chemicals in them.   

And do  I have it right that installing a silver recovery system is as simple 
as getting a special magnet that will attract the silver?


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