Scott, this is pretty useless advice.  How many theaters even project 16mm?  
How many of those have (16mm) DTS?  Of those theaters, how many want to run 
Morgan’s film?  A tiny subset, at best.

Technicolor Magnecraft — are they still around?  Very doubtful.

Morgan just needs to learn how films are made and optical tracks are printed.  
He doesn’t need to shoot single perf stock, as he earlier suggested.  He needs 
to learn about editing double system sound (theoretically with a 16mm mag 
track) and then find a lab that can make a track neg and prints for him.

This depends on location.  I’d recommend Colorlab as they do everything he 
needs, including optical tracks and 16mm B&W printing.

But talking about DTS and Technicolor Magnecraft is just offering obscure info 
that won’t help Morgan.  Fine to reminisce, I do it all the time, but this is, 
scarily, 2016.  I doubt that DTS, owned by a holding company, is interested in 
making one-off disks for anyone.

I’d suggest these steps.

* Read the Sharples book, good historical advice
* Shoot B&W neg or reversal.
* Edit picture and 16mm mag track.  Mix tracks if need be.
* Find a lab
* Conform original (A&B rolls, or single strand if you like seeing splices)
* Send to lab for optical track and release printing
* Pay lab bill.
* Submit to film festivals, who will insist on a digital version because they 
can’t project 16mm.
* Have your 16mm print damaged by someone who doesn’t know how to project 16mm, 
or has an old and malfunctioning projector.

Jeff “old curmudgeon” Kreines

> On Dec 13, 2016, at 1:52 PM, Scott Dorsey <> wrote:
> As I said, there is a 16mm dts standard and some theatres are set up for it.
> I don't know anyone doing magstriping today.  16mm commag doesn't sound bad
> at all, the problem is finding someone who can stripe the print and someone
> who can show it.  Last I looked, Technicolor Magnecraft was the last place
> in the US still doing it.
> --scott
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