Hi everyone - thanks to all who participated and supported the 12th edition
of Experiments in Cinema!  The event was particularly historic as we
brought 5 Cuban film scholars to our event from Havana AND their
presentations were nothing short of magical!

I wanted to let everyone know that if you go to our website (
http://www.experimentsincinema.org/shop--cart) you will find our new 9
disc, fundraising DVD collection which is available for individual and
institutional purchases - many Cuban titles are included in the
collection.  Additionally, our new yearbook is available with essays about
the state of the (media) art in Cuba - the yearbook has been published 1/2
in English and 1/2 in Spanish.

Be the first on your block to collect all DVD collections and each of our 3

Thanks for supporting Experiments in Cinema
Bryan Konefsky

Bryan Konefsky, Visualiste
Artistic Director, Experiments in Cinema
President Basement Films
PO Box 9229
Albuquerque, NM 87119 USA
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