Hi Seth,

In the UK I'd recommend speaking to David Leicester at kino club if you have a budget, he can provide all and will install: 


If you are in Newcastle try Matt Flemming who is part of film bee lot. I can provide his email off list.



it takes as long as it takes

On 1 Aug 2017 12:42 pm, Seth Pimlott <seth.piml...@network.rca.ac.uk> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I know many of you must have experience installing 16mm work - and I just wondered if you had any advice for a relative novice.

I'm trying to prepare a print of this film for an exhibition in Newcastle that is on for 10 weeks from the end of September, which then moves to London in the new year. 

I was worried about the maintenance of the projector over such a long period, and if there was a solution to keeping a projector functioning while it is in almost constant use.

This is the projector I have access to: ELF EIKI RT-1

But perhaps I need to invest in something more robust - I'm not sure.

Thank you very much for your time and help,



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