Thank you, d.olivier, for that perspective. I remember Tony telling me 
something similar about cost, specifically that he had a notion of scale where 
the cooked, etc. films could be made for the cost of a lunch. 

You’re right about the missing scholarship on Tony’s video and public access 
work. A million years ago I did a very little bit of work on it, which was 
included in my dissertation but never made it any further. 

The only works I know of during this period that could genuinely be 
characterized as being “performances about projection” are Sukiyaki, Bowed 
Film, and Film Feedback (of course, it depends upon how elastic Tony’s 
definition of “performance” is, but still…). So I’m even more (reasonably) 
confident that Sukiyaki began its life at Antioch. [Interesting side note, the 
“premiere” date Tony listed for Sukiyaki in the MFJ article - 12/17/73 - was 
the same day that Antioch announced the firing of a couple dozen teaching 
faculty because the college was in dire financial straits. I have to guess that 
this included Tony, who moved on to Binghamton the following spring.] 

Thanks again - if anyone else has clues for the great 7360 Sukiyaki 
investigation, chime in. 


Dr. Jonathan Walley
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Cinema
Denison University

> On Feb 24, 2018, at 6:01 PM, d. olivier delrieu-schulze 
> <> wrote:
> Tony talked about doing a performance of “film projection” at Antioch.  He 
> also said that his pickled films and cooked films were a response to being 
> criticized by other makers at Antioch.  Primarily for making work that wasn’t 
> directly engaging with social justice issues.  That film was expensive and to 
> make work that didn’t directly address isssues like poverty was irresponsible.
> So.  In t0ny’s positively spiteful way he said “fine I’ll just use scraps of 
> film and pickle them! That costs almost nothing!”
> It’s not a surprise that there isn’t a clear record as Antioch went through a 
> lot of changes since then.
> This incidence along with the video activism/public access work, I think, 
> shows a significant shift of tony’s work pre/during/post Antioch.  This is 
> glaringly absent from most of the scholarship about Tony’s work.
> -d.olivier 
> On Sat, Feb 24, 2018 at 1:17 PM Jonathan Walley < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hello Frameworkers,
> I have a question about Tony Conrad’s performance 7360 Sukiyaki, which I’m 
> asking on behalf of another researcher. It’s a simple question, really, but 
> has become quite the little puzzle. 
> The question is where the work was “premiered.” In an essay he wrote for MFJ 
> called “Is This Penny Ante or a High Stakes Game?”, Tony listed three 
> performance dates for the work: December 17, 1973, April 27, 1974, and June 
> 15, 1974. The latter two dates I have been able to nail down: The Walker Art 
> Center and the Millennium. That leaves the December 17, ’73 date, apparently 
> the premiere. My educated guess is that this took place at Antioch, which 
> Tony was teaching at the time (he left shortly after to teach at Binghamton, 
> then, of course, SUNY Buffalo). The researcher I’ve been talking to has not 
> been able to find anything about a performance at Antioch (my guess is that 
> it was a very low-key affair, possibly connected with a class, as was Film 
> Feedback); she is trying to eliminate Anthology or any other NY venue as a 
> possible site of the premiere. She’s even contacted the archivist at Antioch 
> and gotten more-or-less a non-responsive response. 
> Any ideas? I know it’s a lot of verbiage for what seems like a tiny question, 
> but since I’ve spent a few days figuring out the other dates and sort of 
> mapping Tony’s travels between 1972 and 1975, I’ve developed an obsession 
> with answering this question. Not that it would be the end of the world if I 
> didn’t (especially since it’s not even my research project). 
> Related to this: I have not been able to determine when/where/by whom this 
> photo was taken: 
> <>
> I’m quite sure it’s not the Walker Art Center, but beyond that I’m clueless. 
> Thanks everyone!
> JW
> Dr. Jonathan Walley
> Associate Professor and Chair
> Department of Cinema
> Denison University
> <>
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